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The Stuart Bedasso Show

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The Stuart Bedasso Show website

Sep 22, 2023

Melyssa meets the man, the myth, Henry Rollins.  And Chad can't stop her.  Dave hangs out with 74,999 of his closest environmental friends. (Not you, AOC). Cool Cats needs a tag line. You can do porn and be in political office.  It's OK.  Just don't be a hypocrite like Handy Lauren.  Support us at

Sep 16, 2023

Yes, be an internet activist.  At  So whatcha think?  Is climate change bad enough for you to do something about it, yet?  Dave's still working on becoming an art teacher...or is he?  Covid...don't call it a comeback!

Sep 8, 2023

It's Dave's first week of school and oh, does he have some stories to tell.  Don't worry, it won't get him fired...probably. We revisit the old Afterschool TV Specials.  You gotta check this out. Gwar does Cindy Lauper; almost literally.  What foods do you connect to your childhood?  Explore us at

Sep 4, 2023

If you're going to the Fair and don't talk about butter sculptures have you gone to the Fair?  Get down for the Climate March coming up September 17th.  They're really making Dave teach art class.  What's next, water ballet?  New York State: how to make legal weed illegal.  As always, support us at