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The Stuart Bedasso Show

Welcome!  This is where we keep all of our podcasts.  It's cool for getting our RSS feed or JUST focusing on the shows.  We post all of our shows as well as other stuff at our website.  Feel free to run over there for shows and more goodies.

The Stuart Bedasso Show website

Mar 26, 2023

Melyssa went to see The Boss.  We made the sexy e-mail list!  Let's just move the cool people out of the shitty states.  We talk about the movie CODA.  Good stuff!  Listen to some sexy songs on Stuart Bedasso Radio:

Mar 12, 2023

It's the return of the lovely and talented Evora!  You need a therapist.  No, really.  You do.  Straight folk who get mad at the LBGTQ+ community need a slap upside the head. What the hell happened to Marsboy's tube we were supposed to be travelling in?  Support us at

Mar 1, 2023

Who are the worst drivers?  We have the answer.   It's the return of Too Much Cologne Guy!  Melyssa and Friends are about to launch an artist co-op.  You MUST read this book about Libertarians & Bears.  And as always, check out the Stuart Bedasso media empire at